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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you promote positive behavior?

At FMCP, we use positive techniques to guide behavior such as redirection, anticipation, and elimination of potential problems. We make direct eye contact with each child and explain the situation so he or she is able to understand the reason for our requests. We have integrated Conscious Discipline techniques into our curriculum. ​For more information about Conscious Discipline, please visit here.

What do you serve for meals?

FMCP promotes interest in a variety of healthy foods by offering fresh fruits and vegetables in accordance with the USDA food program. Menus are available on this website and posted in the classrooms and you can ask the teacher for a copy.

Can I come in and volunteer?

As partners in your child’s well being, we would like you to help the school when you can. Please see information under Student Registration. Co-op opportunities allow parent /teachers to work in the school and $6 per hour is put towards your tuition. We welcome you!

How is your nap time nurturing?

During the hours of 1:00 – 3:00 pm is nap time. Your child is encouraged to sleep and is not required to stay on his/her mat. If your child is not a sleeping child, alternative activities will be offered. We do turn off the lights and close the blinds, play soft music and rub children’s backs to help them fall asleep. Often a soft toy or a blanket is helpful in keeping a child happy and comfortable at rest time. Of course, we will also allow a child to rest at any other time they feel tired.

My child does not seem quite ready to move up to the next class, even though he is old enough. What should I do?

​Each child is individual and will develop as such. Chronological age has much to do with both physical and psychological development, however, many other factors affect the way our children grow and mature. Wait until you feel comfortable that he is ready to move up and then spend some time observing the classroom to see how the other children interact with each other. That will be a good way for you to judge his readiness. Some children just need extra time to grow and develop. In the end, waiting until he is ready will make the transition much easier and smoother for everyone.

What percentage of your staff are veteran staffs?

Seventy-five percent of the staff at FMCP Preschool is veteran staff. We strive to offer quality Preschool, so we look for degrees in Early Childhood Education. We help minimize staff turnover. Since teaching can be very stressful, particularly to newer teachers, we have training offered and can offer days off when teachers need it. 

How is the registration fee used?​

The registration fee covers, but not limited to, enrollment and administrative fees, equipment including classroom improvements.

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