On Thursday, January 16, Artists from The Wandering Weaving Project came to visit and brought their piece “Strips of Soul” to live at our school.
When the piece was unveiled, a collective “Gasp!” came from the preschool crowd. Needless to say, the children love it!
Children had the opportunity to touch and feel the textile piece and ask questions of the artists. The piece was created by 23 artists from places across the US and as far as Singapore.
The project involved each artist creating a strip to be woven into the final piece. Each artist then mailed their individual pieces to the coordinating artist, Jeff Beacham, for him to weave together.
After all the strips were assembled, the piece was then mailed to each artist to view and photograph. Altogether it traveled over 39,000 miles before being brought to our school today.
“Strips of Soul“ is currently on display in our front office on permanent display.
Here are some photographs of the children meeting the artists and seeing a piece for the first time.